
About all the smiles i see in Cuzco, in Sacred Valley, lost in the middle of nowhere, lost in the mountains, lost in this beautiful country – Perú. About all the eyes i see shining and dreaming with an opportunity just to be, a little bit more.

Butterflies with no wings, grows strong legs. Thats what i believe.  We all together can make a small change, and give the hope to all that were forgotten by the system and by the government, surrounded by a tourism that takes all the advantages.

With a small help, we can do a small smile and suddenly you realize how a difference in a day makes….About the ones that fight for their rights, about the ones that dont ever give up, about the ones that they still believe they can be proud ofwho they are.

About the ones that are in this moment begging, with hungry, cold, dying, crying, desperate, drunk and violent, suffering, praying….Life is too short. Lets give a value on who we are, and what we have.

About that “ones”, that one day can be you.


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